Not a single natural color of human teeth, neck, body, cut side of the color is not uniform, cut-side maximum brightness, saturation neck up.
First, the color of porcelain teeth in the choice of time to try to exclude the external environment affect the color of objects, there are those unclean teeth, first teeth cleaning before repair. Color selection should remove the patient's lip ornaments, choose the color of natural light than under direct sunlight.
The color of the crown of human nature because of race, region and individual differences exist. Most people on the lower jaw teeth color is also inconsistent with the same name, left side of the same name as the teeth of the same color value. Clinically, the side of the front teeth missing, the same name should refer to the contralateral tooth color selection, do not refer to the jaw tooth color selection. On the teeth, central incisors, lateral incisors, canines in order of dental equipment decreasing brightness, saturation values gradually increased. Maxillary canine to the lowest brightness, saturation maximum. Tooth color and age has a close relationship with age, the natural tooth color Zeming gradually reduce the brightness, the color is getting stronger. Therefore, to achieve the best cosmetic results, choose the color, do not over-the pursuit of high brightness, color light hue, brightness and saturation should choose the colors are moderate, and pay attention to the light of the contralateral teeth, the color of adjacent teeth.
Full exchange of views with the doctor, because the different personality traits, when both doctors and patients have different options for color, the more some discussion, in order to obtain the final agreement.
Dental experts suggest that you: choose the color of porcelain teeth, when not more white the better, but to select their most suitable color.
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