Teeth Whitening - ultrasonic scaling
Ultrasonic scaling is the use of scaling to remove tartar and plaque ultrasonic frequency oscillatory effect, the characteristics of efficient, high quality, save time and effort in the correct operation, minimal damage to the tooth surface. Scaling is one of the periodontal basis treatment project, it can remove the risk factors, reduce gingival inflammation, dental appearance and oral comfort while whitening the teeth.
Teeth whitening - teeth blasting
In fact, scaling, including ultrasonic scaling and blasting scaling in two steps. Sandblasting is another method of cleaning teeth, is a further cleaning teeth are made of special salt sand coupled with the high-pressure water. Ultrasonic scaling can only chunk of tartar in the mouth vibration under tea while blasting can be attached to the teeth on the dirt, smoke, dirt and dental equipment food debris clean up, spray the teeth of the sand very smooth and easy to re-deposition of tartar Therefore, scaling and blasting should be combined. Sandblasting can improve the gloss of the teeth, the appearance of the teeth.
Teeth Whitening - Tooth bleaching
By individual teeth bleaching denture placed in the decolorizing agent denture sets of teeth a way. With the growth of drug action time, the color of the teeth will gradually fade white. The advantage is that customers can be treated at home, can decide What are the children's teeth abnormalities the number of pieces you want to bleach teeth and frequency, and each bleaching time, the full course of treatment ended.
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