The dental implant upstart: if the teeth you want to unplug the conventional repair methods are first extraction, to be the extraction socket healing began 2 to 3 months after the denture. If the front teeth, ugly this time would not have said. Even a plastic temporary dentures, and will not see where, but the obvious foreign body sensation, wearing uncomfortable.
The next step is to choose a set of dentures or fixed dentures. Dentures daily to pick to wear, it is trouble! Wearing uncomfortable, but also exposed to the snap ring (metal hook), it is affecting the appearance. Fixed dentures in appearance, comfort is much better, but need to grind the teeth of the missing teeth on both sides if both sides of the teeth are very healthy and grinding them is a great pity.
The dental implant as fixed dentures beautiful, comfortable, does not require grinding adjacent healthy teeth, so is a co-existence. Sometimes in the tooth at the same time to plant, so as not there are missing teeth, does not influence the social activities. Suitable for immediate planting, the need for medical treatment depending on the circumstances.
Production of artificial teeth in the upper part of the dental equipment specialist to the construction, the dental implant is not the seed planted in the bone on teeth and other dental long out, but in the alveolar bone by surgical implantation of the implant until the implant Osseo integration.
Dental implant painful?
The dental implant surgery is very small, and can be completed in the dental chair, generally only 15 to 30 minutes. In particular, immediate implant and tooth extraction over the same period and no increase in pain. However, if it is a long-term missing teeth after planting, there is resorption of bone defect, then the operation will be relatively complex, some of the pain.
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