Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why pulpitis severe pain

Pulp dry teeth, the center of the outer layer of enamel, dentin, and cementum encircled only at the very tip of the hole and periapical tissue; pulp nerve from the trigeminal nerve within the canal nerve fiber stress threshold is low, its pressure sensitivity, and pulp tissue itself, the tissue pressure was higher pressure than the other organs of the organization. First, the arteries when the dental pulp inflammation expansion, congestion, caused by increased pressure within the pulp chamber, the apical foramen at the veins are oppressed, leading to venous congestion, so the exudate gathered, due to the narrow tip hole contact with the outside, poor drainage, poor blood supply, resulting in nutritional disorders of the dental pulp can cause pulp necrosis. Necrotic tissue and the release of more proinflammatory products, more extravasated increase the medullary cavity pressure is further increased, the combined pulp is enclosed in the cavity of the inelastic hard around the pulp tissue solid tooth structure, the space capacity of the canal is constant, there is no room for a little buffer, increased pressure to bring the pulp nerves, will produce dental equipment severe pain, the pain is further aggravated with the increase of the pulp cavity pressure, and thus this pain is really unbearable, and the majority of patients have a toothache Jane up painful personal experience.

Therefore, teeth, severe pain can generally be diagnosed as pulpitis, eat anti-inflammatory drugs does not work, painkillers only relieves the pain must be treated. The doctors open the tooth canal abscess material released from the tooth cavity pressure alleviate the pain The difference between removable dentures and fixed partial dentures will immediately reduce the doctor will conduct a thorough treatment.

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